Sparkling Rose 750ml
ALTINA Sparkling Rosé is crafted with layered notes of bright crunchy fruit, tart native Rosella and a hint of citrus. Crisp, lively bubbles with a dry finish. Pop the cork and Celebrate! ALTINA Sparkling Rosé adds a touch of sophistication and festivity, making it the perfect accompaniment to a Sunday brunch, bridal and baby showers or a summer garden party.
Sparkling Rose 750ml is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
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Great with salmon and avocado tartare, prosciutto-wrapped grilled asparagus and grilled vegetable galette or something sweeter like a summer berry salad, raspberry macarons or strawberry shortcake. ALTINA Sparkling Rosé adds a touch of sophi
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ALTINA Sparkling Rosé is crafted with layered notes of bright crunchy fruit, tart native Rosella and a hint of citrus. Crisp, lively bubbles with a dry finish. Pop the cork and Celebrate! ALTINA Sparkling Rosé adds a touch of sophistication and festivity, making it the perfect accompaniment to a Sunday brunch, bridal and baby showers or a summer garden party.
De-Alcoholised wine, filtered water, natural botanical flavours, extracts and distillates, preservatives (220, 202), citric acid, malic acid, sodium citrate.
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Sulphites, Capsaicin
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Great with salmon and avocado tartare, prosciutto-wrapped grilled asparagus and grilled vegetable galette or something sweeter like a summer berry salad, raspberry macarons or strawberry shortcake. ALTINA Sparkling Rosé adds a touch of sophi