Sparkling Sansgria 750ml
ALTINA Sparkling Sansgria is crafted in the style of a Non-alcoholic Sangria. It's a lush and vibrant style of bubbles with a stunning red colour. Rich dark fruits including native Australian Riberry are balanced with sweet Orange, soft vanilla and spicy notes. This non-alcoholic sangria drink is delicately structured, complex, slightly sweet and ultra-refreshing. Pop the cork and Celebrate! Serve this Non-alcoholic Sangria ice cold in a wine glass with dried citrus. Perfect for any time easy drinking.
Sparkling Sansgria 750ml is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
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Served best with tapas dishes such as croquettes, olives, calamari or Manchego cheese. ALTINA Sansgria is bold enough to compliment robust flavours such as chargrilled vegetables or a BBQ’d steak.
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ALTINA Sparkling Sansgria is crafted in the style of a Non-alcoholic Sangria. It's a lush and vibrant style of bubbles with a stunning red colour. Rich dark fruits including native Australian Riberry are balanced with sweet Orange, soft vanilla and spicy notes. This non-alcoholic sangria drink is delicately structured, complex, slightly sweet and ultra-refreshing. Pop the cork and Celebrate! Serve this Non-alcoholic Sangria ice cold in a wine glass with dried citrus. Perfect for any time easy drinking.
De-Alcoholised wine, filtered water, natural botanical flavours, extracts and distillates, preservatives (220, 202), sodium citrate, tartaric acid, citric acid.
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Sulphites and Capsaicin.
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Served best with tapas dishes such as croquettes, olives, calamari or Manchego cheese. ALTINA Sansgria is bold enough to compliment robust flavours such as chargrilled vegetables or a BBQ’d steak.