Spiral Foods Mirin 250ml
Spiral foods mirin is a sweet, natural cooking wine made from sweet rice, it is a naturally fermented sweet cooking rice seasoning agent for all types of cooking. Its delicate alcohol content tenderizes fish and meat while imparting body and a rich sweetness unavailable from sugar. You will find that mirin adds shining lustre to food, often being used in such popular dishes as steamed fish, noodle meat and teriyaki chicken. A sweet and natural cooking wine made from sweet rice A naturally fermented sweet cooking rice seasoning It's delicate alcohol content tenderizes fish and meat Adds shining lustre to food Used in such popular dishes as steamed fish, noodle meat and teriyaki chicken
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Spiral foods mirin is a sweet, natural cooking wine made from sweet rice, it is a naturally fermented sweet cooking rice seasoning agent for all types of cooking. Its delicate alcohol content tenderizes fish and meat while imparting body and a rich sweetness unavailable from sugar. You will find that mirin adds shining lustre to food, often being used in such popular dishes as steamed fish, noodle meat and teriyaki chicken.
- A sweet and natural cooking wine made from sweet rice
- A naturally fermented sweet cooking rice seasoning
- It's delicate alcohol content tenderizes fish and meat
- Adds shining lustre to food
- Used in such popular dishes as steamed fish, noodle meat and teriyaki chicken
Water, sweet brown rice, rice koji, sea salt. Approx. +/- 9.4% alcohol.