Agave Dark 250ml
Lotus Dark Agave Nectar is a thick dark syrup with a rich caramel flavour that you can use in many ways as a sweetener or in cooking and baking or a liquid sweetener or caramel syrup.
Agave Dark 250ml is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
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Lotus Dark Agave Nectar is a thick dark syrup with a rich caramel flavour that you can use in many ways as a sweetener or in cooking and baking or a liquid sweetener or caramel syrup.
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Lotus Dark Agave Nectar is a thick dark syrup with a rich caramel flavour that you can use in many ways as a sweetener or in cooking and baking or a liquid sweetener or caramel syrup.
Organic agave nectar
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Lotus Dark Agave Nectar is a thick dark syrup with a rich caramel flavour that you can use in many ways as a sweetener or in cooking and baking or a liquid sweetener or caramel syrup.