Agave Light 250ml
Agave is a very widely used plant nectar. It serves the purpose of natural sweeteners and is a great substitute for honey and sugar. If you are also counting calories then this product is great for you. This Agave Syrup Light Organic by Lotus is vegan and has no side effects. It contains minimum calories and the best part is that it is good for consumption by all. It has fewer calories than normal sugar and has a great caramel flavour making it a great choice in lot of sweet cuisines
Agave Light 250ml is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
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Agave is a very widely used plant nectar. It serves the purpose of natural sweeteners and is a great substitute for honey and sugar. If you are also counting calories then this product is great for you. This Agave Syrup Light Organic by Lotus is vegan and has no side effects. It contains minimum calories and the best part is that it is good for consumption by all. It has fewer calories than normal sugar and has a great caramel flavour making it a great choice in lot of sweet cuisines
Organic agave nectar