Remedy Sodaly Orange 250ml
They say you can't have it all. They were wrong! Sodaly is a deliciously different, ALL-NATURAL soft drink. It's BIG on FLAVOUR and low on calories. Full of prebiotic goodness and NO SUGAR. Guilt-free just got better for you.
Remedy Sodaly Orange 250ml is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
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They say you can't have it all. They were wrong! Sodaly is a deliciously different, ALL-NATURAL soft drink. It's BIG on FLAVOUR and low on calories. Full of prebiotic goodness and NO SUGAR. Guilt-free just got better for you.
Carbonated water, apple cider vinegar, plant-based sweeteners (erythritol & steviol glycosides), hibiscus tea, orange & blood orange flavours, turmeric extract.